PULSE Network

Site re-design


Sketch & Photoshop

Time Frame

About 30 weeks


Pulse, a Discover® Company offers debit solutions to financial institutions. This project called for a complete design re-do of the site so that it is in line with the current look and feel of the Discover Financial Services brand guide. Our UX team conducted an audit of the site and we began the re-design process.

The Challenge

  • Old, outdated site with old components and styles.

  • Help re-structure content and align the right offering to the right audiences.

  • And align the design to the Discover Financial Services style guide while grouping content and showcasing PULSE offerings.

Old Site


The old site had a primary NAV on top and a secondary NAV on the left which served as the secondary navigation. There was a lot of information packed into this NAV. Unfortunately, once you start navigating, it becomes a rabbit hole of all other pages within pages and links within links, making the user confused about where they were when navigating the site. In addition, a site map was completely missing.


Design Explorations

Due to a license expiration deadline, we were given a brief to do a complete lift and shift re-design within 6 weeks. However, as soon as an audit was done, it was determined that a complete re-do would be more beneficial for the site and an extensive network of PULSE Network customers. Therefore, we began our design explorations keeping in mind that the site will be built with current Adobe Experience Manager templates within the Discover Global Network site design.

The New design

Our copywriters and UX team completed an audit of the site and created a map of content flow/site map and wireframes before my Sr. Art Director, and I started design work for the site. I worked very closely with my Sr. Art Director on this site re-design and writers and the developers. 

We started with explorations to set expectations and then began to blow up all other pages in sprints to deliver each page once approved by the client. 

The site is exceptionally content-heavy, and displaying one point after another can simply become a giant bullet list. 

Keeping the Miller Law of UX in mind (the average person can only keep 7 - plus or minus two items, in their working memory). We made sure the content was broken out into smaller chunks like lists, bullets, icons, etc., to not overload the user brain with data all at once and make it more digestible. 

Each section is followed up by another area that does not follow a static grid system to keep the data flowing and create an engaging page layout.

PULSE Network Homepage

PULSE Network Homepage

PULSE ATM Network Page

PULSE ATM Network Page

About PULSE Page

To view the full site, go to https://www.pulsenetwork.com/.