Cash Flow Analysis

Mobile App


~6 months

Personal Contribution

  • Lead discovery for Cash Flow

  • Lead design and strategy for Cash Flow


Sketch, Miro, Invision, User Testing

The Challenge

  • New feature that require new components

  • Find a charting system

  • Configuring the charting system to our design needs

  • Charting system design limitations

Feature Prototype


Key Screens


Discovery Work & Process

A J.D. Power report flagged Fifth Third Bank at 65 for Lift to Digital Satisfaction impact based on the industry average because it lacks an expense tracking or budget tool.

Understanding the Six Distinct Segments relevant to Fifth Third Bank based on marketing and research.

Seekers” is the most important segment for Fifth Third Bank and their target audience. Focusing on this segment, we will automatically include the other ancillary audiences because of the overlap between these segments.


Problem Statement

Account transactions give customers a list view of where their money is spent or earned. We have observed that this is not enough to truly give customers full control of their spending. They do not have a way to analyze their current spending habits and are unaware or ignorant of where they are spending the most or use third-party tools to track such insights. This is causing them to not be able to plan and save money.

How might we improve so that our customers are more successful in creating a budget and having a better way to manage spending fluctuations and savings?


Proposal Statement

We believe that building Cash Flow (and spend tracking in the future), for our target audience (The Seekers) will give them an overview of their current monthly expenses and cash at hand.
We will know this is true when we see from user interviews that our customers are already looking to "track my spending", "understand spending", "cut or reduce spending", etc. Users budgeting are more likely to be financially well, save more, and be more satisfied with 5/3 supporting their financial journey.

Even though our users are savvy with money, their desires make them spend more and they tend to “play it by the ear” when it comes to their approach to money.

Design Process

I started with a quick competitive analysis to check what other bank offerings are for cash flow and budgeting.



A little inspiration goes a long way when you are feeling stuck or just need a fresh new idea.


Quick 8

I always try and give myself a chance to quickly jot down the ideas floating around to give them an outlet and also to not lose track of my ideas. This quick 8-minute exercise focuses on giving each folded section of the page one minute exactly and this helps me with managing my time as well.


Lo-Fi Designs

I started with some low-fidelity designs to share with the team. These ideas were far out in some cases and I used that as a way to reel it back to a simpler form.

A quick map of experience so lo-fi designs also helps me keep track of the final ideas that I need to put down in my comps.

Design options and team reviews

Forecasting Animation

User Testing

Coming soon!